What are keywords? How to use keywords.

 How to use keywords?

How to use keywords in ON Page SEO

What are keywords?

Keywords are the main words which are used to rank any site. There are two types of keywords:

1. Primary Keywords 

 2. Secondary Keywords

What are primary Keywords?

Primary Keywords are the main words which we select to rank our site. Primary Keywords are mostly used in Title, Description and in H1 tag.

What are Secondary Keywords?

Secondary Keywords are the alternative of primary Keywords which are not primary Keywords of our site but we think that they are important for our site. Secondary Keywords are mostly used in content.

Some ON Page SEO Factors

Title Tag ( Page Title)


H1 Tag

Formated Text

Outgoing Links


Alt Tag


How to use keywords in ON Page SEO Factors?

1. Title Tags:

Title tags are the title of the blog. Primary Keywords are mostly used in Title tag to rank the site on search engines. This is the basic factor and the most important factor for the SEO. Title tags should be written after keyword research that which keywords should be used in Title tag.

2. Description:

Description is the brief summary of the blog are website. It tells about the whole blog in a very short words. Primary Keywords should also be used in the description for the SEO improvement.

3. H1 Tag:

H1 tag is the main heading of the blog or website. Mostly the title of the blog used as H1 tag but we can further change it according to our own will. In Title tag there should also primary Keywords be used. Title tag does not rank our site directly. It is an indirect ranking factor. But it tells the crawler about our site nature and help in indexing.

4. Formated Text:

Formated Text is a text which is formated in different styles such as bold text. The bold text should also consist of keywords.

5. Outgoing Links:

Outgoing Links are the links on our website which redirect the user to another article. So where we use link on website there keywords can be inserted.

6. URL:

URL consist of many things such as domain, subdomain and subcategories. So secondary Keywords should be used in the URL. its means that alternative of the primary Keywords should be used. Don't use same title in the URL because it can make keywords stuffing. So try to avoid keywords stuffing.

7. Alt tag:

Alt tag is a description of the images used in the article. Alt tag describe the nature and the purpose of the images. So we can also use keywords in the Alt tag of the images.

8. Content:

Content is the most valuable element of ON Page SEO. The people say "content is king". So try to write Unique content. Both the primary Keywords and the secondary Keywords should be targeted in the content. But don't use many keywords. Always try to avoid keywords stuffing.

These are some points where you can use your Keywords. I hope after using this your site will rank on search engines.